Affiliate City Leaders


Inner City - Circle of HopeThe Affiliate City Leader is key to the transformation of America’s cities.  Every city has individuals and ministries that feel called by God to impact their city.  However, often these leaders lack the tools, training, or connections to make their maximum potential impact.

The Affiliate City Leader is an individual called by God to be serve in this urban context.  This training center provides training, tools, strategies, and ideas that have been successful used in cities across the country to make an impact.   The purpose of this equipping might help an Affiliate City Leader become an expert in one particular tool or resource with which they can help serve and equip an urban congregation.

Or they might have a broader vision and become familiar with a broader set of tools and ideas from this training center with which they can then serve their city in  building coalitions and collaborations in a variety of areas.

There is a specific training curriculum designed just for you in the on-line training center at this site.  Please see the on-line training tab for more info or click here.